The Inter Faith and Spirituality Network (Suffolk) is a small unincorporated charity which has been set up to bridge the gap between those who would describe themselves as religious and who may belong to a faith community and those who see themselves and others as having a spiritual dimension to their lives whether or not they adhere to a particular religious tradition. There are many people who now fall into the latter category and their needs must be recognised and their insights welcomed.

People in caring roles, whether in residential homes or at large in the community, are being challenged to think and act outside traditional religious frameworks and to recognise their clients, patients and students as unique individuals, while being aware of their backgrounds and their present contexts.  Chaplains, for example, whether working in hospitals, colleges, prisons, and other institutions are being required to respond sensitively and wisely to anyone who needs them.

It is intended that The Faith and Spirituality Network (Suffolk) will be a bridge between people who are interested in exploring this dimension, whether by correspondence, electronic or otherwise, and through meetings or courses which are designed to inform and support.  In particular, we hope that this network will inform and guide the East of England Faiths Agency as it seeks to discern how to develop a regional Community Chaplaincy, available to support people of all faiths and none.